Prioritize for Happiness

We know what we want to do, but we just don’t get around to doing it. Our daily activities may get in the way or we may get overwhelmed and avoid doing the thing we wanted to do because the things we had to do took up too much of our mental or physical energy. We have to prioritize what we want because what we want is just as important as what we are obligated to do. 

Maybe we are so out of touch with our needs that we aren’t even sure where to begin. Make a list of things you want to do as they pop into your mind. As you start considering this more, it will become easier and easier. Nothing lofty or expensive, just simple, attainable things. For example, go for a hike, plant some flowers, go to the local antique store, or finally go to the local art walk. Set a day and a back-up day for this. Just once per week, prioritize yourself.

Life has many different areas that come together to form our sense of overall content or discontent. Be sure to group these areas of your life and make sure no area is going neglected that matters to you. For example, our lives include social interactions, family/community connectedness, career, education, hobbies, physical health, mental health, adventure… ask yourself what matters to you and list all the things you do in a typical month that go into each category. Then, see if one is lacking and ask yourself if that’s okay. This will help you steer the course of how you spend your time. If educational fulfillment is what matters most to you right now, find a way to devote more time in that area. After a few months, you will see the greatest return on investment from the areas you gave the most attention to. Be intentional with how you spend your time and you can develop whichever areas you want. This should help with your sense of control over your life and your sense of fulfillment.


Moving Out Check-List


Schedule by Intention