household, declutter, home decor, organize Thrive Organizing household, declutter, home decor, organize Thrive Organizing

Create an Entryway

Create the perfect mud space/entryway with no built-ins! Having an entryway set up helps keep clutter out of other areas and it also helps you get out of the door faster. Have you ever wasted 10 precious morning minutes looking for your keys? Having an entryway will solve that. What you'll need: hooks, a mirror, a bench, a basket, and a rug!

When looking for hooks think of what you'll be hanging on them: jackets, coats, backpacks, purses, hats, keys, etc. Make sure you select hooks made in a shape that accommodates what you'll be hanging up. Hooks with an end too wide to get keys over usually also don't hold jackets well-they just slip off. You can pick individual hooks that you can screw in yourself or you can pick a piece of wood with hooks already attached. These can usually be put up with command strips if you don't want to put holes in the wall; just keep the weight limit in mind.

Next you'll need a mirror for your last minute check before you walk out of the door. Make sure it's big enough and make sure it's something that represents you.

When searching for a bench consider that you may put dirty shoes on it so make sure it's something you can clean easily. Some benches open up and you can hide the shoes inside. Think about what you would prefer and choose something that will suit your needs.

A basket can be for umbrellas, backpacks, bags, etc. Think about what you'll want to put in your basket before selecting one. An umbrella won't stay upright in a short basket, so you'll need to pick something tall. If you'd rather put your backpack in a basket than hanging it up (or if your backpack is too heavy to hang), measure the backpack before you pick your basket to ensure it will fit comfortably.

Now you'll pick your rug. Pick something durable and fun; it's the last and the first thing you'll see when coming in and out of your residence. Try to find something that will keep a grip on the floor when you wipe your shoes on it. As always, make sure to pick something that reflects you!

The fun part is hanging everything up and getting everything just as you like it. You'll be able to make tweaks to get everything just right-enjoy your entryway!

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organize, declutter, organizing, bathroom organization Thrive Organizing organize, declutter, organizing, bathroom organization Thrive Organizing

Clear Cluttered Drawers

We've all been there; cramming an item back in a drawer and slamming it shut before everything falls out. Typically, we only use the things on the top of our clutter because that's what we can see and that's what we have access to. We've all bought an item knowing we have one at home, we just can't find it. It's at the bottom of that cluttered drawer. We frustratingly paw through saying “I know I have one here”. Luckily for you, there is another way! It won't take nearly as long as you think it will and everyone can do it.

Dump the drawer on the floor. Yes, that's right. Dump the drawer upside down and get everything out on the floor. Now, remain calm. Spread everything out. Refrain from grabbing the item you've been looking for and throwing everything back in. Take everything that you know if trash and go put it in the trash. Next, check expiration dates and toss expired items. Now, take everything you want to keep in that drawer and place it on the counter. This is your opportunity to give it a good cleaning! Of your remaining items, decide if they should go somewhere else or if you'd like to sell, donate, or toss them. If you have a product you know doesn't work for you, don't hang on to it out of guilt for how much you paid, pass it along to a friend!

If the items you've decided to keep are scattered across categories, see if you can group them or maybe remove a category and put it in a different place. For example, if you have hair products, hair tools like blow-dryers and straighteners, skincare products, and makeup all together this can be too jumbled. See if you can relocate one or two of these categories so your drawer is more clearly defined. If youre able to further separate items into bins or boxes, great, and if not, that's fine too! Now when you get ready you'll be able to notice how much more relaxed you are and maybe even more punctual. Digging through drawers takes more time and energy than you think it does. Enjoy your clean and organized drawer!

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moving, declutter, move out Thrive Organizing moving, declutter, move out Thrive Organizing

Moving Out Check-List

Keep calm and move out

So you’re moving; it’s exciting, stressful, and it can be intimidating! There are so many pieces to put into place but when you take it step by step, you’ll be in your new home with your sanity intact. As soon as you begin to consider moving, begin down-sizing and clearing out the clutter. You will be amazed at what you have accumulated. Start in drawers, cabinets, and closets- this is where the hidden things are that you won’t be anticipating. Start to look at your belongings through the lens of “do I want to take this with me into my new home and my new life?”

All those unwanted items likely fall into three categories: dump, donate, and sell. If you live in a house or a rental that does not have a dumpster, order a dumpster! You may think this seems over kill but you may have noticed junk accumulating since you’ve begun decluttering. Dumpsters can be delivered to your house and stay for a week. This will help you to focus on clearing the junk out. During this time you can also begin listing things for sale online or plan a garage sale. Designate a space to put all of your sale items so you have them all in the same spot, ready to go. For all the items you won’t be selling, donate them to a local charity organization or ask friends/family if they would like the items.

Now that your home only has the items you have chosen to keep, begin researching movers and start getting quotes. If you get the quotes while your house is full of things that will not be going with you, it will be harder to get an accurate quote. Professional movers will help you to plan the financial obligations that moving will have. It will also help bring up important questions that you may not have begun to consider. You are not obligated to use the movers, and you may choose to schedule a u-haul or enlist the help of friends and family. Set your move date and communicate how you will be moving either by choosing a moving company or telling friends and family.

Time for packing materials! Check online to see if anyone has posted free packing supplies or purchase them at your local hardware store. Start packing the things you use the least. When you pack a box, make sure there are no loose items-give it a shake and if you hear rattling, add packing paper. Always label your boxes and try to fill the boxes with like items or things from the same room. Take all of your pictures down and wrap up any rugs you want to take with you. As you begin clearing shelves, wipe them down to cut down cleaning time. Once you have cleared a cabinet or closet, place some painters tape on the front so you know this area is done.

Time to go! You should be down to your bare essentials now. Gather all the items you need to have with you in the same area so you don’t leave anything behind. Go around and do any cleaning that remains and as you complete a room, take any blue painters tape off of the cabinets and closets, close the door to the room and put them on the door. On your last night, begin putting those essentials in your suitcase or in a box as you use them. When you wake up in the morning you are ready to go! You can now remove all the painters tape, no need to double check anything since you’ve done all there is to do. Say your final goodbye and thank your space for housing you, walk out the door and on to your next chapter!

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